My daughter kept on teasing me with a song she invented "vikings in bikini's" so while she was in art class this morning, I made this quick sketch. Shè found in quite funny. ;-)
The creation of the universe and the wold in Norse mythology is a quite colorfull and "bloody", even nasty story, involving decapitations, floods of blood, magots turning into dwarfs, hermapfrodite porn etc. I invite all of you to read throug it.... :-)
The folowing picture is somewhat a wrap up of all the events described in the creation myth. I didn't bother about the space-time continuum. I just wanted to prop as many of the aspects of the myth to appear in one picture.
Iedereen mag deze afbeeldingen, kopieren, bewerken enz. Hoe meer deze tekeningen gebruikt worden hoe liever ik het heb. Reacties zijn ook steeds welkom.